23rd June 2016 - No Comments!

Luxury parasols from Manchester

I have recently completed the identity for luxury Parasol company ’InstaShade'. Their products will be aimed at the high-end residential and restaurants across Manchester. The identity was inspired by the shadows and shapes cast from the parasols in the sunshine. Keep your eyes peeled for a brand new website coming soon.

13th January 2015 - No Comments!

One small step…

After many months of deliberation, doubt and long nights working I’ve finally set up shop. Welcome to Designed by Jaw (and my new website).

I’ve been lucky enough to work with some amazing clients at some amazing agencies through the years. In particular a big thank you to Feed, where I’ve spent the last 5 years, joining a studio of 6 and leaving an agency 120 with offices in London, Berlin & San Francisco - it’s been a rollercoaster.

I'm now looking forward to taking on a host of new projects and clients. For my new portfolio here or please feel free to contact me regarding any new work. james@designedbyjaw.co.uk